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Poly GSC Meets with LBUSD Superintendent Dr. Jill Baker!

Last Friday, April 30th, the Poly Green Schools Campaign team met with LBUSD Superintendent Dr. Jill Baker. The Superintendent, who attended the campaign's Student-Led Climate Town Hall on April 17th, is a big advocate for students using their voice for good and applauded our efforts! She was also impressed with the contacts our campaign has made with LBUSD officials!

With Dr. Baker, we discussed a reasonable timeline that passing a 100% Renewable Energy Resolution at LBUSD could take. Baker explained that our vision to transition LBUSD off of fossil fuels has been something LBUSD's facilities department has already been discussing. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and this year's focus being on getting students back in school, Dr. Baker explained that next year, our resolution has a real possibility of being passed!

As we head to the end of the school year, the Poly GSC is looking towards hosting a school-improving event. Superintendent Baker said she is happy to participate, and we look forward to planning such an event. Stay tuned for campaign event updates! Dr. Baker will also assist us by connecting us to the LBUSD Board Members and help introduce us to the LBUSD public information and marketing/media offices.

We were beyond grateful to have the Superintendent join us for a meeting and look forward to our continued work together as we aim to transition LBUSD off of fossil fuels and onto clean, renewable energy!

We were also beyond excited to have student representatives from Milikan High School and the California Academy of Mathematics and Science (CAMS) attend the meeting. The Poly GSC team connected with many students from different LBUSD schools after the Student-Led Climate Town Hall that was on Saturday, April 17th. These students will be working to instill Poly GSC-like initiatives at their own schools so that we can garner supports for a transition to 100% renewable energy for LBUSD from all corners of the district! If you know any LBUSD parents/teachers/students who you think would be interested in working on the Green Schools Campaign at their school, please do not hesitate to let us know!

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